Конец света? Я с вами! // "В защиту загрязнения атмосферы можно сказать одно: восход солнца становится поистине восхитителен." © Good Omens // 'because i wanted to' is a good reason to do anything!
Ох.. мне гораздо проще выражать свои мысли строчками из песен, чем придумывать что-то своё...
It starts with one thing
I don't know why
But it's too late to turn back now
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again
It starts with one thing
I don't know why
But it's too late to turn back now
I want to be in another place
I hate when you say you don't understand
I'm safe here in my room
Unless I try to start again