Конец света? Я с вами! // "В защиту загрязнения атмосферы можно сказать одно: восход солнца становится поистине восхитителен." © Good Omens // 'because i wanted to' is a good reason to do anything!
White Dust
We’re leaving at night in our dark country,
White ashes sprinkled with fiery wounds.
And for all our dreams The sky will punish us.
But no one hears and no one will order
And no we do not need anyone we do not like.
We will not be such as all the other people.
Cheaply we have sold our souls shadows.
Someone quietly pours poison prayer in our ears.
White ash strip - our eternal scaffold.
Where we’re going, there is no pain, no fear.
Our time is through your fingers with water flowing away.
Where we’re going, nobody will catch us.
There’s only one survives, who is subject to doubt,
Anyone who could pretend to be his own shadow.
Not tolerate compassion, does not feel pity -
That’s all we can do what we do remains.
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