Конец света? Я с вами! // "В защиту загрязнения атмосферы можно сказать одно: восход солнца становится поистине восхитителен." © Good Omens // 'because i wanted to' is a good reason to do anything!
“You’re Hell’s Angels, then?” asked Big Ted, sarcastically. If there’s one thing real Hell’s Angels can’t abide, it’s weekend bikers.*
The four strangers nodded.
"What chapter are you from, then?"
The Tall Stranger looked at Big Ted. Then he stood up. It was a complicated motion; if the shore of the seas of night had deck chairs, they’d open up something like that.
He seemed to be unfolding himself forever.
He wore a dark helmet, completely hiding his features. And it was made of that weird plastic, Big Ted noted. Like, you looked in it, and all you could see was your own face.
"Verses two to eight," added the boy in white, helpfully.”
The four strangers nodded.
"What chapter are you from, then?"
The Tall Stranger looked at Big Ted. Then he stood up. It was a complicated motion; if the shore of the seas of night had deck chairs, they’d open up something like that.
He seemed to be unfolding himself forever.
He wore a dark helmet, completely hiding his features. And it was made of that weird plastic, Big Ted noted. Like, you looked in it, and all you could see was your own face.
"Verses two to eight," added the boy in white, helpfully.”
Good Omens, Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
*There are a number of other things real Hell’s Angels can’t abide. These include the police, soap, Ford Cortinas, and, in Big Ted’s case, anchovies and olives.
(via whoreadsbooksanymore)