четверг, 26 сентября 2013
We canonically know that Princes are the active class of destruction. They bring about destruction, whether of their aspect, or through their aspect. They are a class naturally inclined to aggressiveness of action. (Not necessarily physically, as Kurloz and Dirk are more about subtleties and quiet manipulations/machinations than outright violence like Eridan is.) It is also possible for them to obstruct the provision of their aspect. So, they can deny access to it, or hide the fact that it even exists in any amount. The inverse of the Prince is the Sylph; the passive creation/provision class. This is their more gentle or careful nature of finesse of power is intended to shine through. They actively destroy or obstruct their aspect in order to passively provide their opposite aspect.
Space is on the other side of Time. It is the creation end of creation vs. destruction. Space is everything found on the physical plane. It is literally all of matter. Like I have said before, Space is unlimited means over limited time. Space is everything tangible and present. It ties in greatly with creativity and also movement. The Space player is necessary for the breeding of the Genesis Frog.
A Prince of Space would destroy the tangible and present. They would, in short, wreck shit. Aradia’s inverse is Bard of Space, and we saw through her how inclined she was to destroy things. A Prince of Space would do the same, but possibly more actively so. They would sew seeds of destruction. They would obliterate, or otherwise oppress creativity. They would restrict movement. Not all of this necessarily has to be in regards to their team, though. They could cause all these disturbances for the enemy, giving their team an upper hand. Further, a Prince of Space could destroy through their aspect. They could use the terrestrial and present in order to destroy. They could use creativity and movement as a sort of means with which to obliterate the opposing parties. Destroying Space would allow for them to accomplish their inverse, Sylph of Time. They would usher in the provision of Time. Allowing their group mates more time in order to accomplish their goal by obstructing an enemy’s creativity is a good example of how this would be used. A Prince of Space could be a very dangerous or very helpful ally on the battlefield.
They would be in charge of the Genesis Frog and this would be something potentially lethal to all members of the session to leave in their hands, especially singularly. With their penchant for destruction, a Prince of Space would be liable to fuck up the frog breeding.
God Tier