Конец света? Я с вами! // "В защиту загрязнения атмосферы можно сказать одно: восход солнца становится поистине восхитителен." © Good Omens // 'because i wanted to' is a good reason to do anything!
What is magic? Magic is deception, but deception designed to delight, entertain, inspire. It is about belief, faith and trust. Without those qualities, magic is an art form that no longer exists. But what happens when these guidelines are not based on a higher purpose? But instead, they are used to cheat, lie, or for personal gain or greed? Then that is no longer magic, that is a crime. And so tonight, for our final act, you’re gonna help us set a few things right.
Hello New York! Thank you for the magic, and thank you for being such an incredible and dedicated audience! Unfortunately, like all good things, it must come to an end. So we’d like to start our show tonight, by saying goodbye. All we wanted was to bring the world to a magic show. And there by bringing a little magic back to the world. This has been one hell of a ride for all of us. But it’s time for us to disappear. Good night New York! And thank you for believing in us!