Конец света? Я с вами! // "В защиту загрязнения атмосферы можно сказать одно: восход солнца становится поистине восхитителен." © Good Omens // 'because i wanted to' is a good reason to do anything!
Session with Mage of Time, Witch of Doom, Page of Light, Sylph of Mind, Prince of Blood, Seer of Space, Maid of Breath, Knight of Void, Heir of Hope and Rouge of Life
the mage would be manipulated by time (though would eventually learn how to manipulate it instead);
the witch would actively manipulate decay, fate, and judgement;
the page would start off very passive and weak, though would eventually grow into one of the most powerful light players possible;
the sylph would passively repair and heal logic, decisions, and consequences;
the prince would actively destroy bonds and unity (or destroy through bonds and unity);
the seer would passively lead their session to victory by knowing everything there is to know about space, velocity, and creation;
the maid would actively repair and heal freedom, direction, and literal breath;
the knight would actively exploit secrets, nothingness, and things which had once existed to protect their friends/help with the frog breeding;
the heir would passively manipulate faith and belief, and in some cases “become” faith and belief;
the rogue would passively steal life forces, energy, and raw power for the benefit of their team;
benevolent players:maid of breath, heir of hope, rogue of life
neutral players: mage of time, page of light, sylph of mind, seer of space, witch of doom, knight of void
problematic players: prince of blood, witch of doom
i imagine the heir would be the self proclaimed leader of this group. i mean, as a class that becomes their aspect, he would be an excellent candidate for keeping everyone together! if anything, i imagine the heir and the maid would be the ones to do these things.
the seer has no problem whatsoever finding those frogs (this title is like a walking sburb map), which is good, considering the knight might not be the best help to them. if anything, the knight will just be there to protect the seer while they do the frog business, which is exactly what they would need.
the witch has the potential to become a problematic player, however it will hopefully be the case that she manipulates doom for the better of her teammates.
the prince wins the award for most likely to fuck up the session. i mean, “destroyer of bonds”, that’s pretty self explanatory. of course, he could perhaps destroy the bonds of their enemies. perhaps once the page becomes a more skilled player and provides luck for everyone else on the team, this would happen.
i’d say these guys have got moderate chances for success. it all depends on the actions of that prince, i imagine.
Session with Mage of Time, Witch of Doom, Page of Light, Sylph of Mind, Prince of Blood, Seer of Space, Maid of Breath, Knight of Void, Heir of Hope and Rouge of Life
the mage would be manipulated by time (though would eventually learn how to manipulate it instead);
the witch would actively manipulate decay, fate, and judgement;
the page would start off very passive and weak, though would eventually grow into one of the most powerful light players possible;
the sylph would passively repair and heal logic, decisions, and consequences;
the prince would actively destroy bonds and unity (or destroy through bonds and unity);
the seer would passively lead their session to victory by knowing everything there is to know about space, velocity, and creation;
the maid would actively repair and heal freedom, direction, and literal breath;
the knight would actively exploit secrets, nothingness, and things which had once existed to protect their friends/help with the frog breeding;
the heir would passively manipulate faith and belief, and in some cases “become” faith and belief;
the rogue would passively steal life forces, energy, and raw power for the benefit of their team;
benevolent players:maid of breath, heir of hope, rogue of life
neutral players: mage of time, page of light, sylph of mind, seer of space, witch of doom, knight of void
problematic players: prince of blood, witch of doom
i imagine the heir would be the self proclaimed leader of this group. i mean, as a class that becomes their aspect, he would be an excellent candidate for keeping everyone together! if anything, i imagine the heir and the maid would be the ones to do these things.
the seer has no problem whatsoever finding those frogs (this title is like a walking sburb map), which is good, considering the knight might not be the best help to them. if anything, the knight will just be there to protect the seer while they do the frog business, which is exactly what they would need.
the witch has the potential to become a problematic player, however it will hopefully be the case that she manipulates doom for the better of her teammates.
the prince wins the award for most likely to fuck up the session. i mean, “destroyer of bonds”, that’s pretty self explanatory. of course, he could perhaps destroy the bonds of their enemies. perhaps once the page becomes a more skilled player and provides luck for everyone else on the team, this would happen.
i’d say these guys have got moderate chances for success. it all depends on the actions of that prince, i imagine.