Witches are active changing classes. One of the most active and fearsome classes, Witches have tremendous control over their aspect, allowing them to manipulate it in any way they desire, and towards most any end. However, their power is not without purpose; it is to balance out the passivity of their inverse, the Seer, which is a passive understanding class. In accordance with the law of God Tier inverses, the Witch accomplishes the task of their inverse by passively understanding the “mold” of their opposing aspect, and shaping their own aspect actively to “fit” with the shape. Witches are also highly involved with their aspect even early on, and command enormous change in it once they have realized their powers.
The Doom aspect is about systems, structures, parameters, and restrictions. Doom is all about sacrificing and confining one’s capacities and abilities in order to effect great change. Doom closely ties in with technology/programs (huge systematic masses) and most anything artificial and structural, such as buildings. It deals with things that must and are going to happen as well as concepts such as death and detriment (due to sacrificing oneself to systems and order.) Doom is order and restraint in the face of its opposite Life’s rambunctious energy and growth. Doom players have a tendency to be gloomy and pessimistic, much like their aspect, for their heavy involvement with cold systems and structures have hardened them to Life’s raw energy and liveliness.
A Witch of Doom would be a very pivotal player in any session. They would quite literally be able to change and modify the parameters and requirements of their session to include events such as total failure. The Witch would be responsible for keeping their allies safe from harm and the more treacherous components of Sburb (such as the doomed timeline shootoffs or Genesis Frog breeding or any and all time limits) The inverse of the Witch of Doom is the Seer of Life, which passively understands raw energy and force. By accomplishing a passive understanding of the form continuity and resilience take, the Witch of Doom would actively alter and reshape parameters and systems to fit with that form.