Page of Life

The Page class is the passive exploitative counterpart to the Knight class. This means that the Page allows others to exploit his aspect, which is, in this case, Life. The Life aspect has to do with life and healing.

Therefore, the Page of Light would allow others to heal themselves and their friends, even to the point of bringing them back to life. This is honestly the best thing I have ever heard of in regards to Sburb, since everyone dies. Everyone. Without exception.

Think of it this way: with a Page of Life, Sburb turns into a big universe-spanning game of freeze tag. When a friend dies, they’re frozen. In order to be unfrozen, another player just needs to tap them on the shoulder, bringing them back to life.

Nobody would ever stay dead. Unless, of course, the Page in question was killed. But until then, you could just run around healing people, screaming: “just this once, everybody lives!”

That’s what I would do, anyway.

[Thank you for the ask, beloved anon.]

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