2 down, 2 to go! Here ya go

MIND: Thoughts, Personas, Glasses, Coins, Morals,Rational Decision, Human Reason, Justice, Uncaring, Logical, Impersonal, Indifferent, Intellectual, Apathetic, Hidden, Trickery, Choice, Outer Self

Mage: Understands with (Aspect) or Understands (Aspect)

Mages will suffer from their Aspect or from the effects of their Aspect. This gives them a deeply intuitive and personal understanding of their Aspect. Their challenge is to overcome their Aspect and come out on top.

A Mage of Mind would suffer from thoughts, rational decision and reason. They might suffer from justice and uncaring logical reasonable decisions of others or themselves and they might suffer from uncaring intellectual trickery lies and choices also. They themselves might suffer from the rational decisions and choices that they make. They might suffer from being intellectual or too smart for their own good, kind of like a know it all or a smartass. They might suffer from an intense apathy or uncaring unemotional nature. They suffer from their own personas that they create to hide their true inner self. A Mage of Mind might also suffer from some kind of multiple personality disorder or a more literal disease of the brain to do with personalities. They suffer from indifference, other people’s towards them or their own towards other things and people. They strike me as the kind of people who might be kind of either sociopathic or even autistic. Every decision and choice they make might be scrutinized and argued over or devalued until they prove themselves and their mental prowess. From this suffering though they gain the experience of all kinds of logic and intellect. They might be exceptionally intelligent and great at trickery or deceit. They know all about apathy and indifference and how it affects things and people. They likely know and understand human rational logic and reason, enough to predict what choices and decisions people make before they make them. They can easily know when someone is hiding something from them and can likely use or see through any kind of disguises that they want. They might even go as far as to know the thoughts of others as they think them, being a literal mind reader. They might also suffer from justice and morality, but also would understand them both deeply. A great example of a Mage of Mind is Sherlock Holmes, but specifically I think the BBC Sherlock version most of all.

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