The Mondo record release of the Over the Garden Wall soundtrack had a really cool version of the Beast’s lantern on the cover that showed Wirt and Greg walking through the woods and it was such a neat alternate version I decided to make one. We only get to see that one image for one of the sides though so I had to make up the designs for the Woodsman and Beast but I think they look ok. Still deciding on something for the last side of the lantern.
more Razia’s shadow designs. my laptop actually broke down a few months ago and i lost all info from the past 2 years SO on the bright side I’m now re-redeisgn all my Razia concepts
yay! i guess.
Viserys had been stupid and vicious, she had come to realize, yet sometimes she missed him all the same. Not the cruel weak man he had become by the end, but the brother who had sometimes let her creep into his bed, the boy who told her tales of the Seven Kingdoms, and talked of how much better their lives would be once he claimed his crown.
Daenerys and Viserys by ejbeachy
- Good Omens
Chapter 6 - Lullaby in Frogland (1)
Chapter 6 - Lullaby in Frogland (2)
Chapter 7 - The Ringing of the Bell (1)
Chapter 7 - The Ringing of the Bell (2)
Chapter 8 - Babes in the Woods (1)
Chapter 8 - Babes in the Woods (2)
Chapter 9 - Into the Unknown (1)
Chapter 9 - Into the Unknown (2)
Chapter 10 - The Unknown (1)
Chapter 10 - The Unknown (2)
over the garden wall comparison
На самом деле я не знаю, что делать со своей жизнью.
Поэтому это “Мрачные Жнецы” из 3 и 4 частей the sims. Вроде как.