So I had a mighty desire to draw the parallels I saw between Gravity Falls and Over the Garden Wall. Each picture had gotten progressively more intricate, and the reason why I didn’t go back to add anything is because I thought it was fitting since both shows started out as something simple, but built up into something much more!
The last picture is just an extra I had doodled, and sorry about some of the quality, I only have my phone camera to take pictures with!
It’s always reassuring to know it’s not just me who saw certain similarities. Plus you know, I’m digging the style.

“God fucking damn it, Sector! I put in the notification myself three fucking times! We are good to go right now! I’ve got my… supervisor breathing down my neck…”

Mortal customs seem pretty dumb and all, but it’s been 5 whole minutes and your still haven’t removed your limbs from one another
( Enoch has seen pottfielders hug. Enoch probably gets hugs from pottsfielders. Enoch knows what hugs are all about and he’s gonna hug the Beast)

idk, people don’t usually give you compliments when they are staring into the eyes of their demise
(headcanon Beast’s eyes have hypnotic qualities, but only work well on those that have lost hope and stuff. Something like the “tunnel of light you see before dying” kind of effect)
– Я поняла сейчас, что не помню, что из себя представляет канонный книжный Загрязнение.
– Может оно к лучшему.
На самом деле меня словно разбили на части. Никогда бы не подумала, что смогу забыть, потеряться в хедканонах и альтернативных версиях.
Это и правда почему-то больно.
Мне бы еще кто объяснил, почему…