I felt that the 8tracks search for DHMIS was unbearably barren for such a musical series, so here’s my own playlist for the puppets constant case of confusion and misunderstanding.
Cover art by deebree
Everything You Know Is Wrong - “Weird Al” Yankovic
I Might Be Wrong - Radiohead
Fireball or What I Learned From TV - Spoonboy
American Idiot - Green Day
Sheep Go To Heaven Goats Go To Hell - CAKE
Somebody’s Watching Me - Rockwell
You’re Wrong - NOFX
I’m So Confused - Ed Brady
More to be added later! (Send me suggestions for songs you think fit!)
Everyone runs out of time.
You will never be alone.
Hey this is fun!
i drew the humany teachers. huff. paige and tony are the usual designs you see floating around, then shrignold was inspired by a collection of many of them (plus the unibrow), and computery guy (does he even have a name yet????) was mostly based on the one made by coulsart.
\; A ;/ yeh.
- Carl Jung
(via devsha)
Listen to your heart, listen to the rain, listen to the voices in your brain~
Paige from DHMIS. I love her. >w< This piece took forever to finish, and I have mixed feelings about it, buut still love the idea~
Also, pretty much my next cosplay. :3 Hope I’ll find Tony. :<