"The leading horse is white the second horse is red the third one is a black, the last one is a green”

The Death Rose (Rosa calvaria) is a rare and mysterious plant species. Beautiful when blooming, the buds form skull like faces when wilting.
Biologists still don’t understand how the Death Rose forms these shocking designs as they are impossible to grow in lab experiments.

Urbex: Heavy Metal
A huge factory in Belgium. Power still left on and so much equipment left see more in….

After 800 nuclear tests from 1951 and 1992, this is the view over the Nevada Test Site (formerly known as the Nevada Proving Grounds).
From sea to shining sea.
– In the past couple of decades to use image messengers of doomsday have become much more frequent. Not only in literature, movies and series…
– For example, “Sleepy Hollow”, – intervened Famine. – Only there everything is completely messed up. Actually Death is right. “Horsemen of the Apocalypse” now popular in the media culture. I’ve seen even blogs style role-playing game, and “asks” where the characters on the one hand are the same, but on the other - all different. That’s it. And yet I do not quite understand how it applies to us?
– Exactly which doesn’t refer. Completely and absolutely not the case. This is the problem. You are no longer actors in this world you lost your power, but did not even notice it. You have become the images that people can use for entertainment. They can try on the images. You now not necessary for people. They themselves Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

500 forgotten miles
Part of the abandoned “Fegua” Terminal in Guatemala city. This building used to cater service to the Locomotives when it was operational.

Then War said, ‘Where is Armageddon, anyway?’
'Funny you should ask,' said Famine. 'I've always meant to look it up.'
'There's an Armageddon, Pennsylvania,' said Pollution. 'Or maybe it's Massachusetts, or one of them places. Lots of guys in heavy beards and seriously black hats.'
'Nah,' said Famine. 'It's somewhere in Israel, I think.'
'I thought that was where they grow avocados.'
'Is that right? That's one big avocado.'
artwork by starfleetrambo/demitasse-lover