Party name of Chalky took the parcel, and took the clipboard, and signed for the parcel. The pen developed a leak as he did so, and his signature obliterated itself as it was written. It was a long word, and it began with a P, and then there was a splodge, and then it ended in something that might have been—ence and might have been—ution.
"Much obliged, sir," said the delivery man.
”- Gaiman and Pratchett (Good Omens)

Memento Mori: is a Latin phrase meaning “Be mindful of death” and may be translated as “Remember that you are mortal,” “Remember you will die,” “Remember that you must die,” or "Remember your death".

The Hilliard Square Theater, with 1,228 seats, was built about 1927 as a movie theater that also staged vaudeville shows. The theater closed in the early 1960s but reopened later under the name of the Westwood Theatre, before closing in 1988.
Robert Dobush purchased the theater and the attached apartments and storefronts about 17 years ago for about $275,000, to prevent the building from being razed. He has tried unsuccessfully ever since to find someone to renovate building.
The city declared the building a public nuisance in 2013, a year after Superstorm Sandy pummeled the roof. Last July, officials put demolition plans on hold, citing a cost of more than $700,000, including asbestos abatement.

Pollution (pestillence) of the four apocalyptic horsemen, Good Omens. Slick oil and putrid gas fumes, ironically pure white from head to toe.