Провал в Соликамске
Sinkhole at the Solikamsk-2 potassium salt mine in Sibera. No one was living in any of those houses at the time — the nearest inhabited residences are 2km away.
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Repost this. Do not reblog. Tag ten people you want to get to know better.
Tagged by rev201. Thanks, it’s the first time for me.
Name: Maria.
Time and date of current moment: 6.01.2015, 14:18 This is dd.mm.yyyy, hh:mm.
Average hours of sleep: I don’t really count it… 5-10. Heh.
Last thing I googled: Fallujah Chemical Cave текст
Birthday: 14.09.1994

Iceland’s Bardarbunga volcano ongoing eruption over the Holuhraun lava field[4416x2947] Photo by Orvar Atli Porgeirsson

Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Starting the year off with these guys must be a Good Omen! Good Omens, actually.

You fools! This man is plotting our doom! We die at dawn! He is Caligari! — Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari (1920)