This guy - which we will to, for now, refer to simply as ‘clan tech’ - was smart to begin with. He was one of the most talented hackers on earth, if not the most talented, and was thus captured by Ma-Ma. He was, after all, of use to her. As seen in the movie, however, that just wasn’t quite enough for her. As seen in the movie, she basically destroyed his original eyes and inserted what seem to be artificial eyes, which are also far more accurate and capable of capturing things a human eye cannot.
The procedure to getting these eyes was however rather painful. The pain this man experienced not only getting captured, tortured, and having his new eyes installed has wiped big parts of his memory out. Some days he forgets his name. And it’s in fear of that pain that he has stayed with Ma-Ma for so long, longing for someone to break him free of his captivity.